Escaping the Friend Zone
So, you want to get out of the friend zone? Well, we don’t blame you, the friend zone is the last place that you want to find yourself, especially if you really have the hots for the girl you’re drooling over. Now, getting out of the friend zone isn’t an easy thing and if it’s something that you really want, you’re going to have to risk losing your friend. Being in the friend zone means that the girl that you’re romantically interested in has disqualified you as a sexual option. It may be painful to hear, but it’s true. Hearing the words, ‘You’re like a brother to me,’ is like getting a wooden stake through the heart. All isn’t lost though, there is a way for you to claw your way out of the hole you’ve found yourself in, and we’re here to help you do it.
Withdraw Your Non-Sexual Attention
The first thing you have to do is withdraw your non-sexual attention. You see, if you’ve been playing the role of the nice guy up until now, you’ve probably given away your time in abundance. If you don’t value your own time, how can you expect anyone else to. If there’s anything you learn by reading this post today, it’s that the one who’s willing to walk away from a relationship is the one that’ll have the power. By taking away your attention you’ll be able to put a value on your time, though this may not be enough to make her jump into bed with you, she’ll start to value your time much more. In fact, this is something you can even do with your friends and family if you feel like their undervaluing your time.
This is probably one of the most tried and tested methods of getting yourself out of the friend; saying that, it’s also the riskiest. If you’re in constant contact with the girl you’ve got the hots for, it’ll be near impossible for her to consider you as a sexual option once she’s shaped an opinion of you. One of the best ways to break this is to vanish. This may take months or even years dependant upon how close you were. The hope is, when she sees you again in the future, you’ll be a new man; this does require you to change some things about yourself so you’re not immediately placed back into the friend zone though. If you do this successfully, you may not even be interested in the girl that once had your heart because you would have moved onto new prospects.
Broaden Your Social Circle
Get out there and make new friends. Like we said earlier, place a value on your time. An easy way to get others to see that your time is valuable is for them to know that you have options. Having other people that you can hang out with doing the things you love will make others know that you won’t always be there at their beck and call. This is because you will have other people to spend time with.
These are just some of the basic steps you can take to claw your way out of the friendzone. We’re not saying that it’ll be easy, but it’ll be worth it, even if you don’t get the girl, at least you’ll have a change of attitude that’s sure to help you in the future. That said, once you get yourself out of the friendzone you will want to know how to please your new lover in the bedroom to make sure that you do not end up where you started.