How to Get More Matches on Tinder

How to Get More Matches on Tinder
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How to Get More Matches on Tinder

How to Get More Matches on Tinder

If you’re looking for ways to improve your Tinder game, look no further. Whether you’re seeking a one-night stand, a fling, or something more substantial, we’ve got you covered. When you’re searching for a partner you need to show yourself in the best light, especially in the realm of online dating. Tinder is a very competitive place, particularly for men, so, if you want to improve your chance of success, follow our advice.

Stand Out from The Crowd

It’s worth having a look at some of your competition. There’s no harm in creating a fake female to get an insight into the messages they typically receive from me. Acknowledge the archetypes and don’t follow the crowd if you want to be seen as the diamond in the rubble. The last thing you want is to look and sound like every other guy person on the platform. Speaking of standing out, make sure that your profile picture is of the highest quality, but please, no topless pictures, standing next to your car, or group photos.

Keep Your Bio Short, But Interesting

Find ways to incorporate your personality into a quick, fun, and fact-filled bio. Think of your profile like a mannequin in a window, it’s usually the extravagant or unusual thing that catches your eye. Also, remember, you’re not writing an essay, keep it simple and save some of your mystery—women like a bit of mystery, just ask James Bond. Don’t act like somebody you’re not, but do try to represent your best self. If you try to take on a persona that isn’t your own, it won’t be long before you’re found out which can wind up being pretty embarrassing.

Personality Game

Let your personality shine. You want whoever you wind up speaking to, to be interested in what you have to say. Show that you’re independent, have your priorities in order, and have your mind set on the goals you want to achieve. Women like to engage with guys who don’t come off as needy or desperate. You can use your photos to showcase who you are, so, rather than taking bathroom selfies, why not have images of yourself doing the things you love? These could be things such as playing football, travelling, art, running; the goal is to show that although you’d like female company, you don’t need it.

Texting Her

Guys have a habit of talking themselves out of sex. The best thing to do when engaging with a woman, whether it be through texting or in real-life is to keep the conversation about them. Women love to talk about themselves, as a matter of fact, people in general love to talk about themselves. If she has already taken a liking to you, all you have to do is not mess things up. Don’t feel as though you have to give her the entirety of your life story, save some of the mystery and let her learn about you over time.

Now, don’t outright dismiss somebody who seems uninteresting because they’re not great at texting. Some people prefer to talk over the phone or in person; regardless though, you want to move things off Tinder as soon as possible. The reason we say this is because although you may have great conversations via texting or over the phone, things can be very different when you meet in person. Talking to a girl for six months can turn out to be a waste of time if when you finally come face to face she isn’t what you hoped.

Be Unapologetic

If you’re bold enough and your personality permits it, be as honest as possible about what you’re looking for. There are some girls who will be open about wanting nothing more than sex; however, keep in mind that more often than not, women will want plausible deniability. You’ve got a much better chance of getting lucky by inviting her back to your place for coffee than explicitly stating that you want sex. Although she more than likely knows what you mean by ‘coffee’, it eases the pressure of having to have sex; therefore, if sex does happen, it doesn’t feel as though it were premeditated.

Meeting Up With Girls From Tinder

When meeting up for the first time, you’ll probably have a mental picture of who you’re meeting up with. It’s jarring to have your picture of the girl in your mind change too much when you finally meet. If something feels off, or you’re just not feeling it, don’t be afraid to break it off. Don’t feel compelled to carry on the date or sacrifice your time—wasted time is time you’ll never get back. Even if you’re a guy, you should let your friends know where you’ll be; there are more than enough crazy people in this world, you can never be too careful.

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