The Dangers of the Friend Zone
The friend, the place that most men have been in and after one visit, they hope they’ll never have to go there again. So, what exactly is the friend zone? Well, for starters, a lot of girls would have you believe that there’s no such thing as the friend zone. You may be thinking, ‘Of course there is!’ And you’d be right, sort of. The thing about the friend zone is that it’s a not a place a woman will put you, it’s a place you put yourself in. You have to understand that when it comes to relationships, more of than not, it’s the guy that does the pursuing. Things may be changing, but don’t be expecting anything radical any time soon. If you want to enjoy a romantic interaction with a girl, you’re going to have to make your feelings known.
How Did You End Up in the Friend Zone?
You winded up in the friend zone largely due to your inability to make a move on the girl you had/ have a romantic interest in. Not only that, you probably killed the possibility of any sexual tension arising between you due to you ‘nice guy’ act. By playing the role of the nice guy, you probably thought that you’d be able to get lucky if you gave her a shoulder to cry and did everything you were taught in Hollywood romcoms. Well, in reality, nothing dries a woman’s panties up quicker than the nice guy routine. Women don’t want a guy they can rule over, at least not the majority of them. Women want a man they can rely on, a man with a backbone who’s willing to stand up for himself. The nice guy is anything but that. Most people would even go as far as to say that the nice guy is nothing but a mask. A mask worn by a guy who’s too afraid to go for what he wants directly.
The Truth About the Jerk
This may sound harsh, but it’s the truth. We can’t be too harsh on nice guys though because many of them probably don’t even realize what they’re doing. In reality, they’ve probably been nice for so long that they believe it is who they are. However, if you are a nice guy, think about a girl who you once lusted after who put you in the friendzone. Think about the kind of guys she dated, guys she probably complained to you about. As much as you may hate to admit it, these guys weren’t necessarily jerks, but what set them apart from you is that there weren’t afraid to stick their neck out for what they wanted.
If you want to stand a chance with a girl you’ve been crushing on, don’t leave things too long. Make a move and let her know how you feel. Sure, she may reject you, but being placed in the friend zone will yield you the same results.